About Us

Pack 294 is a Cub Scout Pack for boys and girls from Kindergarten through 5th Grade.  We meet at St. Charles Borromeo Church School, but we are open to Tacoma families from all schools.


Please reach out with any questions, or to get more information 


Our Meetings & Location

Dens have one meeting and one outing per month. The full Pack meets for an event at least once a month. Meeting times and location vary depending on den schedules and activities, please contact pack294tacoma@gmail.com.

Upcoming: New Family Meeting, Sept. 14, 6-7pm at Feist Hall. Please RSVP.

K-3rd dens will have meetings at Feist Hall on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 6-7pm, except Sept. 14 and April 19.

St. Charles Borromeo, Feist Hall
7112 S 12th St
Tacoma WA 98465
Follow Us


Members of our scouting family and community are encouraged to sign up for our emails to stay informed of upcoming events, news, and other important announcements.

Pack 294